Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental illness that comprises a pattern of recurrent and undesired thoughts, emotions and fear. The obsessive thoughts urge the individuals to repeat a specific behaviour or activity that they think can remove their stress or anxiety. Due to their obsessive thoughts and the resulting behaviour, they face difficulty in performing their everyday life activities, and therefore, they remain in a lot of distress. OCD can affect any individual and exhibit varied patterns of thoughts and behaviours.
Major OCD symptoms
OCD comprise the following two primary symptoms:
1. Obsessions
Obsessions are the unwanted and repeated intrusive thoughts, images or perceptions that appear in the minds of OCD patients. Their obsessions lead to anxiety or depression.
2. Compulsions
Compulsions are the specific behaviours of individuals that they perform to get rid of their anxiety. However, they only get relief for a shorter period, and as soon as they stop doing that activity, their brain again delves into the anxious state, or their OCD cycle starts again.
3. Obsessive thoughts
As the name indicates, specific thoughts that are linked with obsessions are referred to as obsessive thoughts. You might have experienced this at any point in your life; you suddenly thought you forgot to lock the door of your house or car. Likewise, you think you forget to put off the stove, and other offensive or unwanted thoughts appear in your mind. These thoughts strain your mind and make it difficult for them to differentiate between positive and negative thoughts.
4. Compulsive behaviour
Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder feel driven to perform compulsive behaviour to overcome their anxiety. However, the repetitive behaviour is excessive and not connected with reality. For example, individuals who fear contamination repeatedly wash their hands, check their locks, etc. Moreover, in most of the cases, OCD individuals are unable to identify their compulsive behaviours.
OCD Symptom Checklist
1. Obsessions Related to Contamination
- Fear of getting infected from any chronic illness
- Fear of getting contaminated with germs or dirt elements
- Extra concern with the cleaning of domestic items
- Extra concern with animals
- Disgusting behaviour towards the body’s secretion
- Extra concern with sticky substances
2. Obsessions related to Checking
- Excessive concern for checking locks of doors, windows or stove
- Checking mistakes again & again
- Repeated self-analysis of the body for signs of unwanted symptoms
3. Obsessions Related to Aggression
- Fear of getting harm from any sharp object
- Fear of harming others with violent objects or behaviour
- Fear of getting insulted or embarrassed by someone
- Fear of doing any illegal activity
- Fear of being responsible for anything terrible
4. Obsessions related to Symmetry
- Repeated urge to arrange things in an order
5. Obsessions Related to Religion
- Extra concerns with blasphemy
- Extra concerns regarding moral value
6. Obsessions related to Sexual activity
- Repeated occurrence of sexual images in mind
- Fear of getting molested or harassing any child
- Fear of having the traits of homosexuality
- Fear of violent or inappropriate sexual behaviour towards partners
7. Obsessions related to Hoarding
- Fear of losing valuable things
- Stashing away useless things like newspapers, etc.
8. Mental compulsions
- Mental listmaking
- Mental counting
- Mental reviewing
9. Miscellaneous Obsessions
- Fear of saying certain words or phrases
- Get easily bothered by certain sounds or voices
What are the treatment options for OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be effectively treated with the help of medications and psychotherapy. However, experts recommend the treatment based on the severity of symptoms. If symptoms are less severe, then psychotherapy is used. However, medications are recommended when the therapy alone is not adequate.
1. Medications
Medications are used to manage the symptoms of OCD. Experts recommend the primary type of antidepressant, which is named a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. The primary role of these medications is to regulate the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.
2. Cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a type of talk therapy that is used to treat the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. With the help of CBT, affected individuals learn to identify their false beliefs and thought patterns and the resulting behaviour. Moreover, they also get familiar with coping strategies for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
3. Self-care
Although medications and therapy are considered adequate for the treatment of OCD, essential self-care is essential. Eat healthy and nutritious food, get sufficient sleep, and exercise regularly to protect your mind from obsessive thoughts and the resulting compulsive behaviours.
Seek Professional help from Renewed Mental Health Group!
We know that every individual deserves mental well-being. At Renewed Mental Health Group, you can find the best mental health services to treat common mental health issues. Moreover, our experts also provide guidance on managing all mental health issues. If you suspect that you are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder then you can self-evaluate your condition with the help of an OCD symptom checklist. In this way, you can take further professional assistance on time and avoid future risks.