Moods, feelings, and emotions are interconnected mental states. They have a significant impact on the lives of individuals and result in their varied experiences, actions, and behaviors.
This article provides a complete guide to the significant difference between moods, emotions, and feelings. After reading this article, you will understand how moods, feelings, and emotions are related to each other and how you can have better control over them. By knowing the significant differences between them, you can better understand yourself and learn to respond effectively to a variety of situations. So, if you want to get familiar with each aspect of moods, emotions, and feelings and the best ways to increase your emotional intelligence, then read this article thoroughly.
What are Moods?
Moods are usually more generalized emotional states and can also vary depending on the situation. Your mood is not linked to any specific incident or event, as it can alter based on multiple triggers and factors. If you wake up and feel happy then you will feel happy, calm, and relaxed all day and feel more strong to deal with any stressful situation. In addition, mood can shape actions and behavior. Furthermore, the moods of individuals can be influenced by multiple internal and external factors, including environmental stress factors, physiology, and lifestyle. For example, if it is raining outside and there is a cool breeze, then you will feel happy. However, if there is a warmer temperature outside, then you will not feel satisfied and irritated and will prefer to stay at home due to your bad mood. This means that environmental factors are one of the significant factors that can affect your mood.
Likewise, if you eat processed foods or unhealthy products or have a sedentary lifestyle, then you will never feel happy, as what you eat also affects your mood. But if you eat healthy and organic food products, avoid unhealthy food items, and perform daily exercise, then not only will your physical health improve, but you will also feel good and relaxed. So, whatever you do in your daily life directly and strongly affects your mood and, ultimately, your behavior. If a certain mood occurs, then it usually lasts longer for minutes and hours. However, in some severe conditions, the duration can extend and affect the quality of life.
What are the common examples of Moods?
There is a varied list of moods of individuals, and among them, the most common ones include:
- Energetic
- Anxious
- Irritable
Why do we have Moods?
Multiple factors, including physical, environmental, and genetic factors, combine to affect mood by changing brain chemistry, structure, and functions.
There are multiple functions of our moods, which include:
1. Social communication
Humans can better identify the changes in facial expressions. If you are not showing any expression in a conversation, then the other person will have difficulty understanding your point. However, accurate and precise facial expressions help in effective social communication, as individuals can better represent their internal emotional states. Therefore, a better understanding of the mood allows individuals to understand, share, and learn multiple things.
2. Survival adaptation
Emotions also help generate quicker responses to external stress stimuli, so you can easily survive and adapt to any stressful or threatening situation.
3. Motivation
Your inner sense of motivation dramatically depends on your emotions and mood. A happier mood is a source of increased motivation, while in a negative mood, you will feel hesitation and never take an interest in any practical or productive activity.
4. Memory and learning
Emotions are also involved in making and retaining memories. Moreover, your learning behavior also depends on your feelings.
5. Decision-making
Your emotional state is also linked to your decision-making ability. Your good mood will assist you in making sound and valuable decisions in your life. However, negative emotions or a bad mood will get you in trouble for making the wrong decisions and lack of ability to navigate life’s difficulties.
What are the different types of Moods?
There are different types of mood based on multiple factors, including duration, Intensity, and quality energy levels.
1. Types based on Valence
Positive Moods | Negative Moods |
Happiness | Anger |
Love | Grief |
Optimism | Anxiety |
Pleasure | Fear |
Excitement | Frustration |
Joy | Envy |
Hope | Hopelessness |
Interest | Sadness |
Contentment | |
Awe | |
Trust | |
Positive Surprise |
2. Types of Moods based on Intensity
Weak/Low Mood | Average Mood | Strong Mood | Extreme Mood |
Less or minimal emotional alterations | Emotions are mild or moderate | There is an intensity of emotions | Uncontrolled intensity in emotions |
Difficult to notice | Easily identified | Strongly identified | Strongly identified |
3. Types of Moods based on Duration and Stability
Short-term | Medium-term | Long-term |
Shorter duration | Moderate duration | Longer duration |
Can easily change | Less prone to change | Highly resistant to fluctuations |
4. Types of Moods based on Quality/Content
Primary Mood | Associated Moods/Emotions |
Irritable | Aggression, intolerant behavior, and anger |
Relaxed | Serenity, Tranquility |
Boring | Indifference, Apathy |
Excited | Curiosity, Energy |
Sad | Loneliness, melancholy, and nostalgia |
Joyful | Happiness, love, and delight |
Anxious | Uncertainty and fear |
Creative | Inspiration |
Guilty | Shame, Self-criticism |
5. Types based on the Energy levels
Active Moods | Passive Moods |
Excitement | Lethargy |
High energy | Lower energy |
Alertness | Boredom |
Clinical Mood types
Mood | Description |
Euphoric | Euphoric is a mood involving an extreme sense of happiness and excitement. Individuals feel relaxed, energetic, and optimistic. Increased intensity can lead to unrealistic expectations and risky behavior. |
Irritable | An irritable mood involves being easily annoyed and prone to anger. Minor hassles can irritate individuals, making it difficult to form and maintain strong relationships. |
Content | Contentment is marked by a sense of pleasure and acceptance of current life conditions. It fosters happiness and positively impacts long-term outlook and behavior. |
Anxious | Anxiety involves feelings of stress, uneasiness, and fear. It may generate alertness but extreme levels can lead to depression. |
Somber | Somberness is characterized by a dark and gloomy mood, often associated with depression. It can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships. |
Depressed | Depression is marked by prolonged sadness and fear, reduced interest in activities, and a tendency toward isolation. It hinders the development of meaningful connections. |
What are Emotions?
Emotions are the initial feelings produced after responding to any internal or external stimuli. They are specialized chemicals that last about six seconds in the body.
Moreover, emotions are highly complex as multiple factors control them and result in various physiological, behavioral, and experiential elements. In addition, emotions are intense compared to mood and feelings, and they are immediate or abrupt reactions to specific situations or conditions. In the same way, emotions have a significant influence on actions or behavior. If you are performing any activity, then your mood can immediately affect your performance and behavior. Your work efficiency can be improved or decreased.
Genetic predisposition also plays a significant role in the development of emotions.
Multiple studies have reported that approximately 30% to 60% of an individual’s emotions or temperament are genetic. If any of your parents exhibit anger outbursts more often, then there is a greater probability that you will also show the same anger in multiple life situations.
What are the common examples of Emotions?
There is a great diversity in the emotions of individuals, including positive, negative, and neutral, which include:
- Joy
- Happiness
- Anger
- Sadness
- Pleasure
- Peace
- Surprise
- Impassive
- Detached
- Unemotional
- Dispassionate
- Complex emotions
- Boredom
- Serenity
- Empathy
- Awkwardness
What is the biological phenomenon responsible for Emotions?
The following brain regions are involved in making the emotions:
1. Amygdala
The amygdala is the central brain region involved in processing and regulating emotions. It is also responsible for generating the immediate response. When this brain region is activated, various physiological reactions occur, including increased heart rate and respiratory rate. In addition, specific changes in facial expressions also happen.
2. Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is the part of the forebrain that is involved in developing the physiological changes in each emotional experience.
3. Limbic system
The limbic system is another central region involved in emotion regulation, processing, and the formation of memories. It also plays a significant role in retaining memory of past experiences and learning from them to respond in the future accordingly.
How do Emotions shape our actions?
Emotions can also create a framework of actions and behaviors. Whatever your emotion is, your mind is altered, and you make the decision accordingly.
1. Physical & Physiological response
Various physical and physiological reactions result from emotions, which in turn directly affect behavior.
For each kind of emotion, your action or behavior will vary, such as:
If you are angry, you are more likely to show aggressive behavior. Multiple external factors can also affect your behavior. In addition, emotional Intensity has a direct influence on behavior until it is not under control.
If you feel fear, the first body’s sympathetic system activates, which in turn results in a fight or flight response. Due to the effect of this response, multiple changes occur in the body, which include racing heart rate, shortness of breath, faster walking, and increased anger intensity.
However, if you have normal and happy emotions, your response will change. You will start taking more interest in different activities and feel more compatible with achieving your goals.
2. Decision-making
Emotional Intensity is helpful to some extent. In threatening life situations, individuals become alert and think twice before making any decision. Moreover, it also changes individuals’ perceptions of apparent risk factors. By considering more, individuals make the best decisions that can help them stay protected from harmful, undesired, or threatening life situations.
3. Increase in motivation
Your sense of motivation is also linked with your emotions. If you are happy and do not feel stressed, then you will feel more motivated and take greater interest. However, if you are frustrated, you will not feel passionate and energetic and consider yourself less capable of doing constructive things. Therefore, always try to be in a good mood if you want some passion in yourself and want to achieve your life goals with mental stability.
What are Feelings?
Feelings are the physical and mental sensations or saturated emotion chemicals. They are produced when emotions internalize and are also consciously felt.
What are the common examples of Feelings?
The most common examples of feelings include:
- Empathy
- Curiosity
- Embarrassment
Why do we have Feelings?
Feelings play a significant role in individuals’ lives as they help them respond to any external situation that can be pleasant or frightening. Moreover, feelings allow individuals to pay attention to any specific activity or work. Feelings are simply the emotional data that the brain uses to do multiple things, such as self-understanding, decision-making, and developing and then sustaining relationships.
How Emotions are Transformed into Feelings?
The transformation process of emotions and feelings is complex as it involves the activity of significant brain regions, including the limbic system. Moreover, this process occurs in two directions. In addition, the speed of this process is rapid, as it takes only 90 seconds. The method of transformation of emotions into feelings comprises the following steps:
1. Detection of stimuli
The first step is the detection of a stimulus that can be internal or external.
2. Stimuli processing
The brain receives the signal and activates the limbic system. The limbic region evaluates the received signal and processes it to assign emotional significance.
3. Physiological response
The processing of the stimulus activates the autonomic nervous system, which then releases specific neurotransmitters and hormones.
4. Physical sensations
Under the influence of messenger chemicals and hormones, various physical reactions occur in the body, such as elevated heart and respiratory rates, sweating and shaking of hands, muscle stiffness, etc.
5. Conscious awareness
As the individual gets familiar with the physical sensations, they interpret them into certain feelings.
6. Emotional experience
The brain interpretation and a combination of physiological responses then develop the subject experience of the emotion that is feeling.
How do Feelings relate to thoughts?
Both feelings and thoughts have strong associations. Thoughts generate multiple emotional responses, which in turn play a significant role in different ways.
The first thing that appears in individuals’ minds is thoughts, which in turn develop a specific behavior. Moreover, positive thoughts lead to positive emotions and actions, while negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and actions.
For example, individuals who remain happy most of the time always prefer to participate in productive activities. Conversely, individuals who do not feel Happiness in their lives indulge in damaging, harmful, or illegal activities.
Feelings vs Emotions
Emotions | Feelings |
Instinctive unconscious reactions to stimuli. | Conscious reactions or interpretations of emotions. |
It lasts for a few seconds or minutes. | It lasts longer than emotions. |
The amygdala, limbic system, and subcortical regions are involved in emotions. | The neocortical areas of the brain are involved in generating feelings. |
They are basic. | They are complex. |
Can be triggered by both internal and external stimuli. | Can be influenced by beliefs, thoughts, and previous life experiences. |
Emotions are universal. | Feelings exhibit diversity. |
Emotions precede feelings. | Feelings follow the emotions. |
Common examples: are joy, pleasure, and surprise. | Common examples: are worry, contentment, and tiredness. |
Emotions vs. Feelings vs. Moods
Aspect | Emotions | Feelings | Moods |
Definition | Intense responses to varied signals. | Subjective interpretations of emotions. | State of mind or feeling. |
Common Examples | Happiness, joy, positive surprise. | Anxiety, love, hatred, contentment. | Calmness, irritability, melancholy. |
Duration | Short-lived reactions. | Usually lasts longer than emotions. | Can last for hours or days. |
Trigger | Specific internal or external signals. | Thoughts about emotions. | No specific trigger. |
Intensity | Greater intensity. | Variable intensity. | Lower intensity. |
Nature | Innate and universal. | – | – |
Response | Immediate and highly pronounced. | Less pronounced. | Prolonged and continuous. |
Measurement | Measured by physical responses. | Self-reporting methods. | Not easily measurable. |
Brain Involvement | Subcortical regions generate emotions. | Processed by neocortical regions. | Involves a complex interplay of factors. |
Control | Difficult to control. | Controlled through cognitive processes. | Lifestyle factors exert control. |
Mood VS Emotions
Mood | Emotions |
A general feeling that influences thoughts. | Sudden, strong, and immediate reactions to stimuli. |
Lasts for a longer time, such as multiple hours to days. | Short-lived, lasting for seconds or minutes. |
Lower intensity compared to emotions. | More intense, with prominent effects. |
Influences mental state and behavior. | Affects moods. |
Exhibits long-lasting effects. | Can have lasting effects depending on severity. |
Not easily identifiable or apparent triggers. | Triggered by specific events or signals. |
How do Emotions, Feelings, and Moods relate to each other?
When the brain receives specific external stimuli, the brain releases certain types of chemical messengers called emotions. The speed of the brain in recognizing and responding to the specific trigger is extremely rapid as it takes only ¼ second to complete the process. Likewise, within the same time frame, it produces and releases the neurotransmitters, producing specific effects.
Emotions lead to feelings as different emotions, chemicals, or, specific neurotransmitters are released in the body, including adrenaline, oxytocin, serotonin dopamine, etc. Under the influence of these hormones, feelings are generated which in turn are responsible for the development of specific moods in individuals. A group of multiple feelings make up a certain mood.
Are Moods and Emotions Related?
Yes, moods and emotions are related and can have a strong impact on each other. Your mood has the ability to shape your emotional reaction or response. Likewise, emotions can also directly affect the overall mood of individuals. For example, if you have positive and good emotions then you will have a happy mood. However, if your emotions are negative or you are taking some stress then you will have a bad mood which in turn also negatively affects your entire day. This process occurs in the form of a loop in which both emotions and mood affect each other in multiple ways. However, with the early recognition of the emotions and mood, you can break the negative cycle. Moreover, with some stress management techniques, you can prevent all your negative emotions and the resulting mood and behavior and improve your quality of life.
What are the main objective ways to measure Emotions?
The main methodologies that are used for the measurement of emotions include:
1. Electroencephalography
Electroencephalography is the main technique that is used to determine or measure the electrical activity of the brain. With the help of this technique, neural networks which are responsible for the emotional responses are determined. All the brain wave patterns and their speed can be easily determined and the main underlying mechanisms are how they participate in developing the emotional response.
2. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a noninvasive technique that involves brain scanning. This helps in the identification of the neural circuits or pathways that are involved in processing of the emotions. Moreover, all the major regions of the brain are completely identified and participate in the development as well as the processing of emotions.
What are the main Subjective ways to measure Emotions?
There are also subjective ways that help in the determination of emotions which include:
1. Self-Assessment Manikin
Self-Assessment Manikin is a pictorial assessment that does not involve words. With the help of this tool, an individual’s emotional response is determined by exposing them to multiple stimuli such as arousal pleasure as well as dominance.
2. Surveys and Questionnaires
Different tools are used for the measurement of emotions and feelings over time such as Positive and Negative Affect Schedules (PANAS). The surveys and questionnaires help in the determination of the subjective experience of feelings and emotions.
3. Experience Sampling Methods (ESM)
In this technique, experts asked the individuals to report their feelings and emotions at random intervals. They can get an idea of how they experience their daily life situations based on their emotions and feelings. In each report, experts can point out the main fluctuations in emotions and the reasons behind them.
How Mood shifts can affect daily life?
Any sudden changes in mood can have a strong impact on the life of individuals, such as:
1. Social isolation
Those individuals who have more mood swings face difficulty in communication in social settings. Their aggressive behavior results in social withdrawal which negatively affects their social life.
2. Disruption in daily routine
Mood swings make the individuals irritated and they feel frustrated in doing their daily life activities.
3. Difficulty in decision-making
If individuals have more mood swings then they can not pay attention to the matter and therefore make inappropriate decisions in life.
4. Reduced interest
Mood swings do not allow individuals to participate in those activities that usually make them happy.
5. Sleep issues
Due to mood alterations, some individuals take more sleep while some face issues in falling asleep which in turn also affects their daily routine.
6. Lack of communication
Individuals exhibit more anger outbursts due to mood swings do not effectively communicate with others and face difficulty in making and strengthening their bonds.
7. Cognitive dysfunction
Mood swings also affect the ability to focus or concentrate, learning, memory, and problem-solving abilities.
8. Physical health
Physical health also gets affected by extreme mood swings as individuals can get multiple consequences due to minimizing self-care and low quality of life.
What are the best ways to Manage the Moods?
Multiple ways are useful for the effective management of moods such as:
1. Emotional awareness
Emotional awareness is highly important for emotional stability. Those individuals who are emotionally aware are more happy and satisfied in their life. They can better understand their emotions and also understand others. Moreover, they listen to others and value their feelings and emotions. In addition, they also exhibit better intimacy with their partners and get more pleasure in their romantic relationships. They know better that it is important to open up about their feelings in front of their partners.
Furthermore, emotional awareness also helps individuals in getting a better and healthier self-image. They do not hide their personality flaws and confidently own them and work more to create a better version of themselves. Moreover, there are also reduced chances that emotionally aware individuals get sad or upset when anything goes wrong or out of their desire. As they know their emotions therefore they can handle them in every undesired situation and can make better decisions early in life. So whenever you are stuck in any wrong or undesired situation, the first thing that you need to do is to first identify your emotions and then process them positively so you immediately come out of that situation.
2. Accept your emotions
Always remember that each emotion is worthwhile. As most of the individuals, crying is not good. However, the fact is entirely different as crying is useful to relax the mind as it helps the individuals to let go of their emotions and feelings and ultimately they feel relaxed instead of feeling a heavy heart. Moreover, when a person cries, then different neurotransmitters are released which in turn also generate a soothing effect on the brain which includes serotonin, oxytocin as well as endorphins.
Whatever you feel or what kind of emotions you have, accept them instead of hiding them all the time. If you remain to dwell on your emotions, feelings, and thoughts then there is a greater probability that you will suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, and other physiological issues. So do not suppress your emotions and let them outside. Then instead of judging them, acknowledge them, and process them more healthily so you reap better results.
3. Record & reshape your emotions
If you feel anxious then instead of feeling down and saying to yourself “I am not capable and I can’t do anything, try to listen to yourself. Record your emotions and thoughts on each day. When you wake up every morning, think about those feelings and emotions that you mostly feel and then focus on them. By considering your emotions, you can better understand what can trigger your emotions and feelings.
For instance, “If you get sad normally, then ask yourself what makes you anxious. Likewise, if you face difficulty in learning and remembering important things, then you might be suffering from performance anxiety. Identify the symptoms and the trigger factors. Ask yourself multiple times why you are feeling this or why you normally get sad. Is there any TV serial that is acting as a trigger of your negative emotions or is there any person who is making you feel like this? So, after identifying your emotions, you can better process or reshape your emotions and feelings.
Instead of saying negative words to yourself, say this: “I can do everything” or “I am capable of overcoming all barriers and can overcome all life challenges”. With such positive affirmations, you can feel more mental strength with the passage of time and learn to cope with every unexpected situation.
4. Learn to make a difference
If you always end up mixing your emotions with your mood then you can face multiple issues. This condition is called mixed emotions as the individuals have confused emotional experiences. They feel happy and sad at the same time in certain situations. This might affect the quality of your life. Therefore, you should understand that it is highly important to separate emotions from moods and control both to influence each other if you really want to achieve mental well-being or improve the quality of your life.
5. Practice mindfulness techniques
You can also acquire emotional stability by practicing mindfulness techniques which involve meditation, yoga, deep breathing techniques, and some other stress-relieving techniques. With the help of mindfulness techniques, you can stay in the present and enjoy the moments instead of taking stress about the past or future. Moreover, you can focus on your positive emotions and cause a significant reduction in the Intensity of the negative emotions.
Try to spend some time with yourself. By doing deep breathing exercises, breathe out all your stress and emotions. With time, you will automatically feel more mental calmness and learn to better respond to your triggers of stress or anxiety and you become more capable of managing your stress with a positive mood.
6. Cognitive reappraisal
The emotional response of individuals depends on the perception of individuals towards the scenario. If you change your perception, then you can also change your emotional response. Therefore, make efforts to have positive perceptions for the productive and viable emotional response.
7. Share your feelings
Every individual dealing with any mental illness always needs a person with whom they can share their feelings without any fear of judgment or criticism. If you think that your mind is tangled with multiple negative thoughts, then share your feelings with your loved ones. By speaking your heart out, you will feel much more relaxed. As in most cases, the problem is not as big as we make a perception. By sharing the issue, you can get into the details of all troubling thoughts and find ways to get rid of them.
8. Shift your attention
Whenever a negative thought appears in your mind, try to divert your mind to another thought that makes you happy. So, it’s better to always have some fruitful thoughts to prevent negative thoughts. For example, when you feel angry, talk with someone and speak your heart out so you feel relaxed.
9. Self-monitoring
You should regularly examine yourself so you can better identify your emotional state. If any negative changes occur in the mental state then you can identify them early and take some early preventive measures to overcome your emotional instability.
10. Consult any Professional
If you feel that your emotions, feelings, thoughts, or mood are interfering with your normal life activities and you are unable to cope with them then you can take professional support. Professional mental health experts can better understand what can trigger your negative feelings and emotions. They can teach you the top coping strategies that can help you stop overwhelming them and live a normal stress-free and happier life. There are multiple mental health platforms, but among them, Renewed Mental Health Group is leading in providing the finest mental health assistance and transforming the mental health of individuals.
Practical Strategies to elevate Emotional intelligence
Every individual wants to obtain emotional intelligence. If you are one of them, then you can increase your emotional intelligence in the following ways:
1. Mindful awareness
Mindful awareness is a critical and essential aspect of achieving emotional stability. You should be completely aware of your emotions and the causes behind them. The brain first receives the signal before developing any kind of emotion. Therefore, you should carefully notice every single physical sensation. When you get more connected with your body’s conscious and unconscious state, you feel more connected with reality. As you identify your emotions on an early basis, you can better understand them and learn the ways to control them on an early basis. For example, if you are in any conversation and you suddenly feel the sweating, shaking of hands, and racing heart rate then there is a sign that you should step back and you need to control your emotions before they get intensified.
2. Challenge your negative thoughts
By changing your perspective, you can also make a positive shift in your emotions. Instead of getting frightened over the negative situations, accept them to challenge them. If you are sad from a specific period then instead of thinking negatively, accept the situation behind your emotions and consider it as a source of learning and your personal growth. Ultimately, your mind will delve into those pathways where you transform your negative feelings and emotions into positive ones.
3. Label your emotions
Labeling the emotions is also considered the best way to deal with the Intensity of emotions.
This is considered the best way to make a bridge between the cognitive and emotional parts of our brain. Multiple studies have reported that if you label your emotions with some words then you can get better control over them. For example, whatever you feel or any sort of emotion you have, just speak loudly to yourself or utter the following words” joy”, “pleasure” and “sadness. By doing this you completely identify your emotions and completely understand them.
4. Self-care techniques
Don’t forget that you are the only one who can bring some positive change in your life. If you want to have a good mood all the time then you need to work on your emotions and mood. Your sound mental health depends on your quality lifestyle. Make a schedule and try to follow these things if you want to protect your mind from negative thoughts and emotions.
- Eat healthy and nutritious food
- Make a healthy sleep and wake cycle
- Perform the daily exercise
- Spend some quality time with your friends and loved ones
If you follow this routine, then you can surely achieve mental well-being.
5. Self-compassion
Whatever the situation and whatever you feel, remember that you have to be kind and gentle to yourself. Tell yourself that it’s completely fine to have emotional Intensity and after implementing some coping strategies, you can easily cope with your negative emotions.
Seek Professional help!
If you ever feel that your emotions, feelings, thoughts, or mood are interfering with your life, then it is an indication that you need some mental health assistance. Renewed Mental Health Group is an impeccable platform that provides the finest mental health services. Those individuals battling with any mental illness such as anxiety, depression, etc can get mental health solutions that help them to get permanent relief. We have a diverse team of professional mental health experts who have years of experience in treating the mental issues of individuals. They are skilled in developing personalized therapeutic strategies that smartly work for each individual. They also provide complete guidance on all emotional aspects that can help you to obtain sound mental health.
With their tailored strategies and coping strategies, you can manage your emotions, feelings, and mood and show a better response that helps you to enjoy your well-being.
So, without any delay, reach out to our professional mental health platform and schedule a consultation with our experts to overcome any existing mental illness. Step forward and initiate your unforgettable journey of mental wellness that lasts for a longer period.
The Bottom line
Emotions, feelings, and thoughts are distinct concepts and contribute to sound mental health. There is a wide variety of emotions, feelings, and moods of individuals which have diverse aspects that in turn have different effects on the mind. Negative emotions lead to negative behavior, while positive emotions lead to positive behavior. However, there are multiple ways that are useful for diminishing negative thoughts and transforming them into positive ones such as mindfulness techniques, acceptance of thoughts, labeling emotions and self-care techniques, etc.
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